September property auctions

As you may (or may not) have noticed, our database of property for auction has expanded massively during the past week, with over 1500 new properties being added, for auction during September.  There are still a couple of the major catalogues to be released, hopefully next week, so keep your eyes peeled.  The property under the hammer is right across the UK - residential investments, commercial premises, buy to let opportunities, development sites, land, ground rents.... you want it, you can get it!

By registering to our website (£9.95 a month; £19.95 for 3 months), you have on-line access to all the details for each property (that you see in the Free Search area) (including streetview, google map, local statistics, auction calendar), a link to the full catalogue for that particular auction house, and the contact information for whichever auction house is managing each property that is shown in our database (together with link to their website).  If you see a property that you like, then you will need to call or email the relevant auction house to enquire further and they will help advise you of everything you need to know in order to view, and subsequently bid for a property. This applies to the Unsold Lots as well – you would need to phone the auctioneer to see if the property is still Unsold, or available to buy.  All their contact details are together with the property descriptions in the Member’s Area.

Wishing you the best of luck for the Autumn Auctions!
