Random kitchen facts

We just thought we'd share some random facts about kitchen activity that we read about over coffee at the weekend.

Did you know....

6 million people in the UK have injured themselves or damaged their kitchens while trying to copy the recipes of celebrity chefs.

300 hours are saved every year by using a dishwasher instead of washing up the old fashioned way.

5.5 million toasters are sold each year in the UK alone!

1000 pots, pans and implements were used to break the record for the largest cityscape made using kitchen utensils. (St Paul's Cathedral was apparently a large oven dish).

1918 was the year in which Britain's oldest working fridge was manufactured (it is currently chilling in Northamptonshire)

2040 is the year that one third of the UK population hope that they will be able to buy a "no clean" kitchen, as promised by Ikea.


Feel free to email us using our contact form, any other random facts about house and home, the more obscure the better!